Finding Your Heartlight Podcast

Guiding you through the journey of self-discovery to release your self-doubt, build your self-confidence and embrace your true authentic self.

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Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

In this episode we discuss gratitude and how it can change your life. Gratitude will take your feelings and connection to yourself to a whole new level. Gratitude helps keep us present, it is magnetic, and it enhances the power of your inner peace.
When you fall back in love with yourself and find your heartlight, use gratitude to reward yourself and maintain a healthy perspective going forward.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Today's episode is the 10th Step in our journey, and if you’ve been following each step, you’re at least 9 steps ahead of where you started. WELL DONE!!!
Enjoy this episode as we discover where you sit – is it above or below the line?
We'll dive into what it means to be above and below the line. In our thinking, our behaviour and our general outlook in life. And how we can help you to rise above and have more control over your reactions, attitude and your destiny.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022

In this episode, your journey continues to go deeper to the core of who you are so you can begin to transform your life.
It is time to take responsibility and ownership of your life as it is and how you want it to be! You have become empowered, now we discuss how to put that to good use.
This next step takes you to the next level in your personal development and closer to fully reconnecting with your authentic self.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022

This episode discusses what empowerment is and what you can do to empower yourself to set you up to handle future challenges.
Take control of your life, own your decisions, and become completely comfortable with who you are! You worked hard to get to this point, let's take this to the next level and keep moving forward!

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022

Whether we realize it or not, we teach others how to treat us. We do this by showing what we tolerate, the language we use, and our behavior. How we treat ourselves, the standards we set, and how we honor our boundaries are examples of the behaviors that serve as examples for others.
Telling people how to treat us is important, but modelling your expectations provides an example. Saying one thing and doing another sends a mixed message. Be true to your word and be true to yourself.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

This episode touches on how we have been compared to others since we were young. Understanding how that affected you and the benefits to having a different mindset going forward.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022

Take care of yourself so you will have the energy to live the life you want and the energy to take care of others if needed.
What does this look like and what will it give you?
Deb and Barry discuss taking your personal development to another level as we continue the journey to reconnecting with your authentic self.

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022

This episode discusses the power of believing in yourself. When you believe, anything is possible!
It is your life to live and your results are not determined by others. Your results are determined by what you believe. The steps you have taken to this point will influence you going forward, and believing in yourself will accelerate the changes you desire.
Believe in yourself, be yourself, and be a light for yourself!

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022

Our conversation guides you through the process of looking at things from a new perspective to learn to give yourself credit for all that you have accomplished and acknowledge that your experiences did not make you stronger, they served to show you the the strength you already possessed!
You deserve all the credit for the person you are today and the person you are becoming! You are so much more than you realize.
Become your best cheerleader and notice how you shine!

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022

Our 2nd Episode is all about the benefits to the Power in the  Pause button. Allow time to process your thoughts so you can respond instead of reacting.
Pause anytime you feel you are losing control of yourself in a situation. Pause whenever you are uncertain of the next steps. Take a deep breath or two.
Pause for five seconds, or play with your pause "button" to determine the ideal time for you.
Imagine how just a few seconds can change your life!

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